The house as a living being

The house is life, the house is alive!

For me, the house is much more than a set of plans and openings.

The house is a set of sensations, emotions, games of light and vibrations. The house is a dialogue between the consciousness that created it and the materiality that gives it solidity.

The house is a living being.

A house is born from the interaction of the client’s manifestation with the channeling I make of that dream, with the interpretation I make of the client’s language and natural needs, their energy, their frequency. This is the starting point to give life to what we believe to be an inert object.

From there, a series of observations are made to the inhabitants of that house, to understand how each one of them vibrates and how the choice of materials, plans, spaces can sustain the correct vibration of the house and its inhabitants. The materiality, the dynamism as the house responds to these observations is part of this life, of this “humanity” of the built.
Organic materials are essential in the dialogue I seek in my homes.
ORG NICO = “Inherent in an organism. Which is relative to living beings or comes from a living organism.”
I want the vibration of these materials combined with each other to respond to the vibration of the person who will inhabit the space.

Wood, natural stone, plasters, metals, all have a unique vibration that makes the vibrating frequency of those who share the spatiality in which they are inserted resonate, if “living” elements are added to this game, light, plants, color, water, this etheric, sensorial and physical comfort is achieved.
Without the organicity of materials, the house is just a container, a set of inert and limited spaces.
The detail generated by the combination of elements is a guaranteeing factor of tranquility, of well being, it is also a very important factor and at the same time so forgotten in architecture. The details follow one another or are discovered from a range of movements that calm the mind. The well-executed detail is a guarantee of stimulating a more harmonic vibration of the being that inhabits it.

interior casa LuMa casa5D house interior
Luis Pina Lopes – Creative Senses

I believe that the house resonates through its materiality, with the experience that is experienced within its limits, the house breathes that life, that care, that affection and love that is shared by each member of the family, by the relationships established by its inhabitants, by That’s what we say so often: – “In this house you breathe peace!”

We are not aware of the enormous neurological potential of “living” architecture, of that architecture that vibrates organically, that breathes with us, that welcomes, that nourishes, that protects and balances.

Let’s put aside the idea that a house has four walls and a few windows.

The house is a living being, with its roots in the earth, with its body in the ether connected to a vibrating matrix of elements.

The house is life, the house is alive!